Bus Ministry
Rider RegistrationFree Transportation to church
Fun Program
Snacks and drinks
Walked to and from your door
Activities throughout the year
Sunday School for your Grade
Jr. & Primary Church
Bus workers that love you

Meet Our Bus Director!
Bro. Zac Howsare has been the Bus Director at Twin Rivers baptist Church for one year. He has been in the bus ministry for 12 years and out of those a captain for 7. He absolutely loves the bus ministry and the people who ride them. He is married to Mrs. Michelle and together they have three children.
Bro Howsare is responsible for six bus routes that run all over our area!
Let us know if you need a ride to church!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it cost anything to ride?
Absolutely not. The bus ministry is a free service provided by the Twin Rivers Baptist Church.
What happens to my kids once they get to church?
Your kids are treated with the utmost respect and love. They are personally escorted to their own Sunday School Class and after that they are taken to their own Jr. or Primary church service, just for their age group!
What happens on the bus?
Our bus captain and workers will sing songs, play games, pass out snacks and promotions, and recite Bible verses. They keep the riders involved and having fun.
Will my kids be taken home safely?
Our workers escort the riders to their bus and the CDL licensed driver safely drives them to their home. If they are going to get off at a different stop, we always get permission from the parent/guardian. They are taken to their door and the bus does not leave until they are safely inside.